速報APP / 教育 / Assam Tea Gardens

Assam Tea Gardens





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Assam Tea Gardens(圖1)-速報App

The Assam Tea Garden project is an initiative to improve the data collection process of the tea gardens which will in turn improve the quality of data and lives, through better monitoring and evaluation.

As we know, that information is crucial for decision making and hence very important that they are available with the right person at the right time. Assam Tea Garden is such an initiative which brings the data collection and the dissemination process together and makes sure that all updates are made in real-time - meaning that Stakeholders, Government officials, Tea gardens, Associations and all other interested users get to see the most recent data as and when it is available in the database.

Assam Tea Gardens(圖2)-速報App


The boundaries and the names shown as well as the designations used on the maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance.

Assam Tea Gardens(圖3)-速報App

Copyright @2016

All rights reserved.

Assam Tea Gardens(圖4)-速報App